Wednesday, July 28, 2010

English Cathedrals: a move away from a ranking

Who's mad idea was it to consider ranking all the Cathedrals in England? What a preposterous thought: this is a much better solution.

I think there could be room for a comparison of King's and John's Colleges, Cambridge and Christ Church and New Colleges, Oxford respectively or perhaps in some kind of mad four-way could be a task for the future. Also the comparison of cathedral gap year schemes is in progress (I have started it anyway) and will hopefully be published sometime, in reaction to which it will instantaneously go out of date.

Sorry for the recent lack of publication, I hope to improve.

Monday, February 01, 2010

English Cathedrals : a move towards ranking

This is not only a massive issue, but a massively difficult one; not only is it very difficult to have a current knowledge of musical standards in every cathedral across the land, but many aspects may differ in the eye of the beholder. For example some would see girl choristers as a bonus, and others as a point of detraction.

My own association with certain cathedrals also deeply twists my judgement, so I have decided (probably for the best) not to attempt to publish a ranked list of English cathedrals. One day, if the current surge of interest in choral music continues, there may be a 'Times Good Cathedral Guide' which we can refer to and which will be properly researched.

In the meantime I am working on, soon to be published:
  • A list of cathedral cities which also have universities, and a numerically based list comparing the scholarship deal, quality of the university (as decided by Rupert Murdoch himself) and other factors.
  • Lists of Oxford and Cambridge college choirs - there may well be ranking involved.
  • Perhaps a list of cathedrals offering gap year places - I do not feel either the RSCM or Ralph's Eton CC website lists are exhaustive.
Very exciting - I'm sure you can't wait.